Everything has this one thing in common and that thing is the beginning. There wouldn’t be anything without having begun. And so the same applies to TKL, of course. TKL begun… on a warm weekday evening, by the coffee table in our living room. Kamil told Taz that she needed to utilize her photographic skills and start a business. It wasn’t easy to convince her… In fact, Kamil never convinced her. Later that evening, he sat down in front of his PC and registered the business… At that point, there was no way back.
Now that it was legal, we needed a website, then business cards, more equipment, equipment, equipment. Taz started networking with local photography groups, got involved with a few studios and the business shot off as she shot the weddings. Kamil has been in there all the time, second shooting for Taz and taking care of the paperwork.
Year 2013 went by fast while shooting weddings under other studios or photographers’ names. It was a great experience which even further prepared us for year 2014 — year when our own clientele started growing. We are now preparing for a few weddings all over the city and even in New Jersey and in Poland! At the same time, we’re puttng A LOT of work into the new website (which the results thereof you are looking at now).
So wish us good luck running a blog. This is the first time for both of us and we’ll do our best to write about interesting stuff here :). Taz is already writing a series of post about planning a honeymoon trip. She’ll include her secrets on how we got our South Africa honeymoon for amount so low that professional trip planners couldn’t believe.
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